Best sites to create ecommerce site and sell your product Online.

Best life for you: If you have come this far it is because you want and are willing to change your life as a simple 8-hour employee to become perhaps the next great sensation in the online market of virtual stores, but perhaps you have not been able to analyze what are your best options for create this ambitious project, we must say that the opportunities to start this business is very great, it is true that the competition can be overwhelming, but there are always gaps and specific niches that the competition is not fulfilling its consumers, many are the cases where famous Companies or physical stores are not meeting those needs of their customers, there will come a day where customers will get bored of the same and will look for new services and new products, some that are booming every day are online shopping, and of course even here you can find some holes where to look for failures in the system and find opportunities to reach the market, even the simplest things Charts can be a business opportunity for you, to create an ecommerce site, we must not only understand that we need a product, we need an idea that works and that idea must solve any need that current buyers have, something that we cannot avoid is that each Due to their accelerated lifestyle, consumers become more demanding and when a company makes false propaganda or deceives consumers, they are forced to become more intelligent, this forces us to redouble our efforts to satisfy their voracious appetite for having the best products with the best prices in the shortest time possible, without a doubt it is a great career that awaits you if you have decided on this profession worthy of an entrepreneur,

Good luck: we hope and wish you the best of luck, and I encourage that the best things come after hard work, this It does not mean that when we have achieved success we should relax, because that has been the great mistake of many successful entrepreneurs Yes, they have come to be at the top and made the very serious mistake of forgetting about their customers, and thinking only about profits, and their complete systems of services and products without warning have become obsolete, very careful with this matter dear entrepreneur, there is a That said, it is easier to reach the top of the mountain than to stay on it for a long time, in this way we will try to analyze and help you a little so that you start your own store, the products you plan to sell have to be very well defined in advance Remember that the first purpose when we create a business is not to make money, the first reason to start a business and sell a product is simply to solve a need that the clients we want to attract have. I hope to help you with this information, and shopify.

#Why create an online store?
1)You don’t need technical knowledge to create an online store:
I remember that the main reason that I stopped to create my first web page was that I mistakenly thought that building a web these days was something extremely difficult, but my surprise was very big and pleasant when I learned that designing a web page was much easier to do. What I thought, all the necessary tools and all the difficult programming processes are prefabricated so that we can build our website, it is as if you were building a car from the beginning, but all the pieces are so incredibly designed that we simply have to put them together pieces as if it were a simple puzzle, we will not say that anyone can build a website, but only those people who are not interested in computer technology at all are unable to do so, but many managed to create their website without having ever studied programming, cheer up.

2)You can earn between $500 and $50,000 per month for creating an online store: This is one of the reasons that of course moves us and motivates us to create our own business, but I always advise that you do not get carried away by greed, remember that money is only a work tool, but without a doubt we must be honest, yes you do things the right way, and you reach the right customers at the right time, at a certain time, money will no longer be a problem for you, if you analyze our idea about the profits you can get with an ecommerce business, you can See that when we start it is possible that the profits will be few but this should not discourage you, it is part of the process, the great entrepreneurs have always said that to have great successes you must first have great failures, it is possible that we even start losing money, but also Some successful entrepreneurs had this problem and with a lot of dedication and effort they got ahead.

3)Any country accepted: One of the great advantages that an online store offers us is that we are not limited to just one physical place to sell our products, it is something wonderful to be able to receive orders from all over the world through the internet because in addition to obtaining benefits, we will obtain international recognition, this is to kill two birds with one shot.

4)All websites in the list below have a excellent reputation: The ecommerce platforms that we will present are the best and most famous that you can find on the internet, you have different options to decide which platform is the most appropriate for the type of business you are looking for.

5) website and domain: the great advantage of an ecommerce service platform is that we should not waste time or worry about maintaining the website, because they themselves take care of this boring task, we only have to focus on selling our product and our ecommerce site provider does everything else.

Table of content


according our research, the best and popular ecommerce site is shopify. Founded in 2004, is a well-known company with which you can create your own online store very easy, you can register and try shopify for free for 14 days. Shopify has to “Shopify Payments” It’s a payment processor, created by shopify, your clients pay you within the platform, although shopify payments, But it is only available in US, CA, UK, and australia. Your clients can pay you through paypal but you must pay a commission to shopify for it, so it is better that your clients pay you through shopify payments.

shopify is perhaps one of those sites that we like just by visiting, everything is designed to please the eyes of each visitor, the greatest strength of this site is that you do not need to maintain the site and waste time buying domains, you do not have Than to buy anything extra, if you are here to start up your store in the shortest possible time and with the least possible effort, I assure you that shopify will make you fall in love, because they take care of practically all the maintenance of your online store, this also means that the prices to have an online store on this site is higher than the competition, but for you that time is your biggest concern, it will certainly not be any inconvenience.

Shopify Features:

1) easy to use: recommended for beginners, it’s extremely very easy to use.

2) Shopify monthly plans :

Shopify starter= $5 per month.  (If you are afraid of investing too much, this plan is perfect, because you will only spend $5 to sell a small number of products.)

Basic Shopify – $14 per month. ( It does not include all the functions but it allows unlimited sales.)

Normal Shopify= $39 per month. ( It includes almost all available functions.)

Advanced Shopify= $299 per month. ( It includes all the functions and the commissions for your sales are the lowest.=0.5%)

Shopify Plus= $2000 per month.( plan created especially for companies with a huge volume of sales)

👉TIP: take advantage of the exquisite shopify promotion, as I write this article there is a promotion where you only spend $3 and get your virtual store for 3 months, it’s great news!

3) commission: You will pay commissions for each sale to shopify between 0.5% and 2%.

4) customer payments: Your customers will pay you in shopify through shopify Payments or PayPal.

5) withdrawal of your money: when you have made sales in your shopify store you can withdraw your earnings to your Paypal and bank account.

Shopify full review

a) trusted site: It was founded in 2012 by Tobias Lutke in Ontario Canada, therefore we are talking about a company that has been around 9 years old as a company with a lot of potential to increase, its site seemed totally safe to us and its payment method also gives us a lot of confidence because it also use paypal. also has very interesting data such as its number of employees currently has approximately 5000 employees according to some data from Wikipedia, and has a capital income of almost 600 million dollars, therefore we can say that it is a company with a lot of reputation.

b)easy of use: I must admit that the ease of creating a store in shopify is very good, basically we only have to select the characteristics that our store should have, it is a process practically that consists of touching and selecting, the process seemed very pleasant and relatively fun, yes You are a newbie, you may not find problems to design your stores in a few steps.

c)prices: shopify prices are not the best, but as we said before, if you don’t want to break your head using web builders that are difficult to understand for a common user, it may not matter to spend more to avoid taking time creating your online store, and occupying your time only on the product or service you want to sell on the internet and leave the hardest part to shopify.

our score: this site has a 9/10.

TIP: If you need help to create your online store on shopify hire a freelancer, A freelancer is a person or remote worker who helps you with almost any task that you cannot do on your computer, for a certain fee.

you can hire a freelancer to do all the work for you, Wait…Are you afraid of spending a lot of money hiring an expert to create your online store on Shopify? Don’t worry! you will find experts to create your site easily spending only $5 and I’m not kidding, they are experts who practically give away their work in order to get clients and reputation. My advice is to take advantage of the opportunity to avoid headaches later, sometimes even something easy can be difficult the first time, I think that $5 is a negligible value compared to the headache and the weight that we take off.

use this link to hire a freelancer, click or touch on next link 👉 hire freelancer to create your shopify store


is our second best option according to our analysis ,founded in 2006 by Avishai Abrahami, Nadav Abrahami y Giora, is a service created by the Wix company, and it is a fun and very easy way to create your online store very quickly, The great advantage in addition to creating your online store quickly is that you will never pay sales commissions.

Wixx Features:
*monthly plans :
  Basic Bussines= $23 per month. (New stores)
  Normal Bussines= $27 per month. (Normal stores)
  Vip Bussines= $49 per month. (Big stores)
*commission per sale:  $0.
*customer payments: Your customers will pay you in Wix Stores through PayPal, crédits cards, and more.
*withdrawal of your money: when you have made sales in your Wixstores shop you can withdraw your earnings to your bank account, PayPal and more.

You have no idea how to create an online store in Wix Stores?

Don’t worry, hire a freelancer for $10 (or maybe less) and they will do the work for you. click on the following link 👉hire freelancer to create your wix store


Founded in 1999, it is a pioneer company in offering the service of creating online stores, with a friendly platform, it has almost 185 millions sales made by its sellers, this undoubtedly gives it a very high reputation. also you will not pay any commission for sale and that is very good.

Volusion Features:
*monthly plans :
Personal plan: $30 per month ( allows you to create only one store with the basic functions)
Professional plan: $79 per month (allows you to create various store with advanced functions)
Bussines plan: $300 per month ( for established companies that handle large sales volumes)
*commission per sale: $0.
*customer payments: , Your customers will pay you in Volusion through,
PayPal, WePay, FirePay, BluePay, Stripe, Skrill and more.
*withdrawal of your money: when you have made sales in your Volusion store you can withdraw your earnings to your Paypal,bank account, Skrill and more.


a company founded in 2009 with a high reputation, story companies like kodak and toyoya use its platform, one of its general advantages is that it does not charge commissions for receiving payments from your clients through paypal, amazon, square and more.

Bigcommerce Features:
*monthly plans :
Standard plans: $30 per month. ( for new stores)
Plus plans: $80 per month. ( for popular stores with a large number of customers)
Pro plans: $300 per month. ( for stores that intend to create a franchise)
commission: You will pay commissions for each sale to bigcommerce between 2.2% and 3%.
*customer payments: Your customers will pay you in bigcommerce  through PayPal, amazon, square and more.
*withdrawal of your money: when you have made sales in your bigcommerce store you can withdraw your earnings to your bank account and PayPal.


ItIt is a web builder that has very accessible plans for all budgets, perhaps one of its main virtues is its ease of use, we can say that it is friendlier than shopify and other platforms, and it presents options and functions that we also find very friendly for new users.

Bigcartel Features:
*monthly plans :  100% free for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
commission: only big companies pay commissions per sale,
*customer payment method ents: , Your customers will pay you in woocommerce through  PayPal, bank transfer, check mail and more.
*withdrawal of your money: when you have made sales in your woocommerce store you can withdraw your earnings to your bank account and PayPal.

Note: If you need help to create your online store, you can hire a freelancer to do all the work for you, use this link to hire a freelancer click next link 👉 hire freelancer to create shopify store


Was founded in 2003 for casalena in maryland US, this company is another veteran in this world of creating online stores, their vision is to make the user experience as easy as possible, they take care of absolutely everything, you just create your store and voila, are you ready to start selling.

Square space Features:
*monthly plans :
  Basic plan= $30 per month ( no monthly sales limit and no sales commissions)
  bussines plan= $42 per month (includes all the functions that a company needs)
*commission per sale: $0.
*customer payments: , Your customers will pay you in Squarespace through Stripe, PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay and debits cards.
*withdrawal of your money: when your business makes sales you can withdraw your profits with PayPal and bank account.


It is a company with excellent services and easy use, it has very useful functions and it has affordable plans. has the advantage that you do not pay sales commissions.

Shift4shop Features:
*monthly plans :
  Startup plan= $20 per month( 1 Staff User, No Transaction Fees, Unlimited Products)
  Basic plan= $30 per month ( 2 Staff User, No Transaction Fees, Unlimited Products )
  Plus plan= $80 per month ( 5 Staff User, No Transaction Fees, Unlimited Products )
  bussiness plan= $130 per month ( 10 Staff User, No Transaction Fees, Unlimited Products )
*customer payments: , Your customers will pay you in 3dcart  through credit cards, paypal and more .
*withdrawal of your money: when you have made sales in your store you can withdraw your earnings to Paypal and more.


another company that has very good plans and that has a large number of sellers with their stores created with very interesting plans.

Weebly Features:
*monthly plans :
  Personal plan= $9 per month(1 Staff User, transacción fees=3%, unlimited Products)
  Professional plan= $16 per month(2 Staff User, Transaction Fees= 3%, Unlimited Products)
  Perfomance plan= $30 per month( 5 Staff User, transactión fees=3%, Unlimited Products)
*customer payments: , Your customers will pay you in  weebly store through  crédits cards or PayPal.
Withdrawal of your money: when you have made sales in your weebly store you can withdraw your earnings to your bank account and Paypal.


a company that has some sales limits per year but in my opinion you would not have a problem with it, unless you are a great company.

Sellfy Features:
*monthly plans :
Starter $19 per month ( 1 Staff User, transacción fees=0%, limit=10k Products per year)
Business $39 per month ( various Staff User, transactión fees=0%, limit=50k Products per year)
Premium $89 per month ( various Staff User, transactión fees=0%, limit=200k Products per year)
*customer payments: , Your customers will pay you in sellfy shop through paypal and Stripes.
*withdrawal of your money: when you have made sales in your  store you can withdraw your earnings to your bank account, paypal and more.


a company with strange competition prices, they offer unlimited stores in their best plans and everything seems very good, the cheapest plans are quite limited, but the most expensive plans are exquisite and without a doubt are very good.

Corecommerce Features:
*monthly plans :
Basic Plan= $19.00 per month. (1 Staff User, transactión fees=0%, limit=10 Products per year)
Pro Plan= $41.00 per month. (5 Staff User, transacción fees=2.9%, limit=300 Products per year)
Bussines Plan= $71.00 per month. (Unlimited Staff User, transactión fees=2.9%, limit=unlimited Products per year)
Enterprise Plan= $144.00 per month. (Unlimited Staff User, transactión fees=2.9%, limit=unlimited Products per year)
*customer payments: , Your customers will pay you in corecommerce through PayPal, amazón check mail and debits cards.
*withdrawal of your money: when you have made sales in your  corecommerce store you can withdraw your earnings to your bank account paypal and more.

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#what is the best ecommerce site?
for beginners: I recommend shopify for it’s easy of use, and if you want to create your store extremely fast it is your best option.
hire freelancer to create shopify store

*expert users: If you want to save money, you are not a beginner, you are not impatient, you like to learn a lot,  I recommend wixx stores.
freelancer to create your wix store

Let’s now see the most extensive analysis of each site in this ranking:

This site called wix is ​​a very interesting site with a large number of options, therefore it is a somewhat difficult site to analyze, but we did our best to tell you about this site and analyze different keys that can make us determine why it is one of our recommendations in this article. Let’s see this analysis in parts below so that you can decide if it is interesting for you anyway.

a) trusted site: This company was founded in 2006 by Avishai Abrahami, Nadav Abrahami and Giora Kaplan. According to its data, the company currently has an overwhelming number of users on its platform, specifically 200 million users, taking this data into account, also analyzing its website and using in detail we can say that it is a site that deserves all our trust, in addition to the means of payment includes paypal, I always like these details and they generate a lot of confidence in a site.

b)easy of use: It is perhaps one of the sites that I use the most and I tried, because the amount of functions it has are many, if you like web builders with many options you will like it a lot, if you are a person who easily despairs it may not be the best option, It is possible that you get scared with the amount of things you must learn first, something that bothers me a bit is that the platform has a very heavy interface, therefore when I design one of my first web pages, I experience some delays to load the site, But I must admit that my country is a very hot country, if your country is a country with a cold climate or a cool climate, I think that this will not be a problem for you. on the other hand I must say that creating a website seemed fun and relatively easy.

c)prices: I found the prices very comfortable, considering everything they offer I think they are very good prices, therefore starting with this builder is practically easy for any user with a low budget.

d)our score: analyzing its functions I think we will give an 8.8 / 10.

buy wixx plan now(press here)

This site has some interesting particular aspects that are surely details that we will share with you, I must say that the experience was not very fun but obviously we are not here to have fun, we are here to analyze and find the best web builders, and with other details analyzed we can say that deserves to be in this ranking.

a)it´s trusted site: big commerce was founded in 2009, it has approximately 600 employees, these data can be misleading because it has 5000 partners and operates in 120 countries, taking into account these figures and analyzing the security of its page we can say that it is a reliable site, it almost has 10 years of existence a respectable time since its foundation.

b)easy of use: Its interface did not seem the most colorful, but it has a friendly interface, and if there is something that catches our attention, it is its new projects to help business grow to its maximum capacity, it is another great site to create large companies, even They have the ability to create a B2B store, the largest online store for companies.

c)prices: The initial plans seem comfortable and interesting considering the enormous possibilities that they offer us to create something great, obviously depending on the growth of our store we can obtain some extra costs but with their prices I think that this will not be a problem.

d)our final score: 8.8/10


Perhaps its functions are less and more basic than other sites like shopify, therefore we can say that this web builder, is designed especially for small entrepreneurs and also small online stores, it is a good builder anyway, because it has some very good features because It has integrated paypal, facebook, google analytics, in other words this site will save us time and we will not have to install these functions by ourselves.

a)it´s trusted site: This company was born in 2005, and approximately 45,000 stores are its clients who have achieved success thanks to its platform to set up an online store, seeing some of this data and extra details such as its means of payment we can say that this company has an excellent reputation according to our analysis.

b)easy of use: According to the analysis we did, we could see that their platform is friendly and hiring a plan on their site is very easy, if you want to try it for free, luckily it also has an option to set up a store with 5 products, an offer that I find very attractive.

c)prices: We have very cheap plans, it seems to me that we will not find any problem to hire our first plan, the most expensive only costs $ 20 and the functions that this plan offers us have seemed wonderful, in total there are 13 functions that this beautiful and interesting plan will give us .

d)our final score: 9.2/10

Analyzing this site, its interface seems to me a bit similar to wixx, although the functions and the number of options is very different, something that caught our attention is that some important companies apparently at some point used this constructor including the Pixar company, this means that it is a very interesting constructor.

a)it´s trusted site: This company was founded in 2003, in Maryland USA, therefore we can say that it has a very good reputation, in addition to browsing your site I found a site that has the necessary characteristics to consider it a safe site, something that also gives us confidence is that it has means of payment such as paypal and stripe.

b)easy of use: The web builder that it has seems to be very clean and relatively easy to use, the most important options seem to me to be clearly arranged in the upper parts, it seems useful and fast to create a store regardless of your experience.

c)prices: If there is something that caught my attention, it is the prices, the bussines plan, the most expensive one costs less than $ 50, it seems to me a quite comfortable price, comparing it with its functions it seems relatively comfortable.

d)our final score: 8.5/10

It is a very fresh place and apparently it is an easy to eat fruit, at least its name is the idea that it transmits to us, entering the site we analyze some things that we found very good for large businesses, there was a detail that we doubted but in general it seems to us a site that deserves a site in this top of the best sites to build your website. you have an excellent number of options to design our store with our tastes.

a)it´s trusted site: This beautiful site called prestashop was created in 2007, it started as a very rare site available only for expert users, but now it is available for any novice user. With its characteristics analyzed and navigation that seemed safe to me, I can recommend this site with confidence, also the opinions of some users are very good.

b)easy of use: The web builder, to create our store I found it relatively easy to use for an intermediate user with a little knowledge, although I think that if you are an inexperienced user you can use it, but it will take you a while to understand its functions in my opinion. The options to create graphic elements also seemed interesting to me, they are not basic at all, I understand that a novice user can easily be confused if they do not have patience, but surely you will love it if you want a constructor with many options. And this builder I think has everything you need if you also want to take a long time to edit the online store according to your


c)prices: The prices are a bit variable, depending on the growth of our store the prices I think are very comfortable analyzing the services they offer us. There are prices that go up to $ 500 dollars that are also related to the amount of sales that we can make depending on the plan we choose, but honestly all the plans seem reasonable and fair prices.

d)our final score: 8.2/10

7)VOLUSION: This volusion site is an interesting site that has many characteristics similar to shopify, because we can connect our store with our domain without any problem, also in our analysis we could see that it has some new features such as the integration of our store with the famous eBay platform. It also has an extensive amount of libraries and very useful extra functions.

a)it´s trusted site: It was founded in 1999 and you have very interesting data for a company with so much experience, it strikes us that it has so much life as a company, perhaps it is the oldest or one of the oldest, this tells us that the company is very stable and safe In addition, we also analyze your platform and our experience was good, we recommend it without problem.

b)easy of use: It contains some nice options, if you are a person who gets bored easily like me when you are designing something on your computer like a web page, maybe this site will help you have fun while designing your web, the functions are easy and relatively entertaining to work in a relaxed way.

c)prices: I didn’t think the prices were the best, some are a bit higher than the competition, but considering their great reputation and elegant platform I think they are good prices.

d)our final score: 8.5/10

This site has some interesting features that the strongest and most dreamy entrepreneurs will like, because it has all the tools for our online store to grow naturally, this is one of the disadvantages of some platforms, when the business grows there are space problems and extra costs but with 3dcart we will not have major problems with these details and the amount of libraries and functions are surely useful for most entrepreneurs.

a)it´s trusted site: It is a company that was completely renewed, at first it had a different name, now its business has had an evolution that seems very positive to me, the navigation data and its payment methods give us enough confidence to recommend this site.

b)easy of use: I found its web builder very comfortable to create a website, it has options that we can easily use and perhaps it has one of the most comfortable and easy-to-use builders.

c)prices: It has prices that I find interesting, it has a free trial plan that has many benefits, perhaps it is one of the best places to purchase a free plan and test the platform, there are plans that are a bit expensive but surely you will also like the amount of benefits what’s wrong with it.

d)our final score: 8.7/10

9)WEEBLY: When you enter this website, we liked the details that we analyzed, the information and the process to start using your platform seemed the most appropriate, this site has a ton of topics to edit and create an online store with very simple steps, in addition when we enter we see a photo of a beautiful woman who invites us to try her platform, well I am exaggerating but, the truth is, her site has a pleasant air to start testing it.

a)it´s trusted site:This site was founded by David Rusenko, Chris Fanini, and Dan Veltri in 2006, we are talking about a site that has 15 years of experience, and has a stability as a very important company and the security that inspired me the page seemed excellent, for I highly recommend this site so much.

b)easy of use: I found the web builder very complete and with many functions, the ability to design a high quality web and edit it with many details is very good, but perhaps it can be a bit difficult to use for an inexperienced user, although the most important functions I consider that they are easy to learn, I think it is not a long time to learn how to use their web builder.

c)prices: It is perhaps one of the sites with the best prices considering the quality of its services, if you are looking for a very cheap builder with excellent services and functions, this may be your best option.

d)our final score: 8.9/10

10)SELLFY: We analyze several things when we enter a website, but this site caught our attention due to its browsing speed, it was a pleasure to analyze this website, when we enter the website we see an interesting advertisement that invites us to try the platform for 14 days totally free After that time of testing, we can choose if we like the construction platform and pay for a service that is more appropriate to our needs, we were also able to observe interesting models and very beautiful themes to design our website with lots of color and joy.

a)it´s trusted site: was founded in 2011 and has interesting details as a company we are talking about a company with 10 years of existence, the time that I like exactly to declare a company as truly trustworthy.

b)easy of use: This site called sellfy has colorful details and a very striking design, its web builder seems to me one of the most fun, it is difficult to get bored with its web builder, also I find that its ease of use is excellent, it does not have many options, therefore it is another good option for novice users.

c)prices: another site to create our online store with excellent prices, and considering its functions it seems to me a perfect option for users with a low budget.

d)our final score: 8.9/10

10)CORECOMMERCE: If there is a site that I like to analyze for its simplicity and ease, it was corecommerce, analyzing your site was very fast and easy because its functions and its registration form is extremely simple, if you are an extremely slow user to understand the use of a website , I think this site can help you and serve you and in the best of cases it can make your day happy, it also has a free trial where we will not have to pay anything to test its functions.

a)it´s trusted site: It was founded in 2001, and analyzing its website and its means of payment such as PayPal, I do not see any reason not to trust this site, especially for its 20 years of experience as a company.

b)easy of use: Its web builder to create our online store, I liked it a lot, it seemed easy to use and very practical for inexperienced users, nothing special but it works perfectly in my opinion.

c)prices: Their prices are relatively comfortable, they seem reasonable to me, perhaps it is not designed for all budgets but they seem fair prices.
d)our final score: 8.5/10


# what is ecommerce?
ecommerce is a term used to refer to the purchase and sale of items digitally, in ancient times all the items that humans tried to negotiate were through physical means, but today we all have the advantage that we no longer need do business, without seeing the person who is interested in exchanging goods and services with us, the whole process can be done through the internet, e-commerce has also evolved in the last and had important improvements especially for the security that all users need to do business, the best way to do business online is perhaps to use e-commerce sites, each business site has its own function, some may be for small businesses and others may be large e-commerce sites, such as large online stores that we can see today, just imagine the gigantic number of people who use the internet daily, the potential of a Business is also huge, obviously no business grows in a single day, but if you know how to create a business in the right way, you can create your own business and be your own boss.

# is it difficult to create an ecommerce store?
Well, it is an important question, but the truth is that thanks to the large number of companies that allow you to create an ecommerce, currently creating a page for online sales is very simple, it may seem strange but jack ma, the creator of alibaba, created his website ecommerce without knowing anything about computers, and now he is one of the richest men in the world, in the same way there are people who did not study computer science, but could create an online store that allowed them to get rich, so you have no excuse to create your own Online business, you only have to worry about your product and the way in which you have decided to obtain your potential customers, the tool called wordpress has a plugin called ecommerce, if you are familiar with this you will not have any problem in creating your online store, it will be a process that it will take less than 2 hours

# what are the benefits of having an ecommerce site?
The benefits are many, perhaps the biggest question we ask ourselves when we make an investment is to know if the investment will bring us a benefit that will return that same investment and in how long we will recover our money, but at this moment I am going to summarize all the benefits that you have to create your own online store:

a) store open 24 hours a day: without a doubt a problem for any business is the hours we have to serve customers, we never know when our customers will need our services, because we must be honest we all work and we all have reduced hours to go out shopping, that also includes our customers too, but luckily our online store will never have that problem, we can have our online store selling products 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week and 365 days of the year. And the best of all is that we do not have to pay staff and we do not have to pay the rent of any physical store, everything is absolutely digital and we will not spend an extra penny to sell on our ecommerce site.

b) global reach: another gigantic advantage is that we can enjoy a select and exquisite number of clients that span the entire world, something that was not possible centuries ago, now we can have business with any person or company in the world, without lifting a single finger , companies spend millions of dollars to have a physical presence around the world, but we have the same opportunity that our store is seen all over the world digitally, and for customers it is more comfortable to receive their packages or articles in the door of your house instead of going to a physical store, also many people do not have time to go shopping and prefer to buy online.

c)Get to know our customers better: an important advantage is that we maintain excellent communication with our customers and maintain a detailed information base on the tastes and preferences of our customers, something that I think is very good is that customers, in addition to placing orders, pay us at the same time each order, in a physical store we can only receive an order by phone but we do not receive any advance payment, almost always we must wait for the customer to pick up their product and cancel their order.

d)Unique products: when we talk about selling products online, one of the best advantages that a buyer has is that he can find articles that he will not find in any physical store in his country, buyers love this issue because in addition to buying products that only can find online, they can also buy with complete confidentiality. For this obviously we must have suppliers that allow us to sell unique products at a low price, although when we talk about unique products we can sell at a reasonable price and obtain the highest possible profit.

e)products in stock: another important advantage is that customers can know if we have sufficient quantities of items available to cover their demand, the traditional method that we use when a customer wants to know if we have a product available is to call our store, something that we It takes away valuable time from work on some occasions, but in our online store you do not need to ask us any of this, you can also know what categories or types of products are available because an article also has different versions and colors, these are details that all customers want You know, something that always bothers me is when a customer asks too much about a product, so you can get rid of a bit of repetitive questions from customers.

# What should I consider when hiring an ecommerce provider?
It must have several very important aspects that we are going to detail below:
a)It should be easy to handle: it is perhaps the most important factor that you should consider, especially when you are a newbie and you do not know anything about creating ecommerce sites, I must clarify that this is not the most important factor, but you do not need an ecommerce design that you cannot understand, you will be the one who guides each buyer so that they can make their purchases, but imagine that a client asks you a question about your website and you do not know how to answer, no client wants to be left with doubts, that will not be good for your reputation, you should not make excuses and above all never lie.
To avoid these problems you must understand perfectly how your site works, and for that we need our ecommerce provider to be easy to use.

b)must have visibility in search engines:
Technically speaking in my opinion it is the most important aspect of any online business, it is useless if you have a unique product, an online store of excellent quality but you do not have the most important thing for every business, the clients, these clients can only be obtained through advertising, that is why our ecommerce provider must have excellent visibility in the most popular web search engines such as google, yahoo, bing, msn among others. Another important aspect is that it should not be missing is that your provider has a lot of advertising on social networks, before social networks were not so necessary, but now all businesses and large corporations also have their own page on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and other sites that allow any business to grow in an accelerated way, so we must also see that our provider has all the tools so that your online store is made known by all possible means of advertising.

c) It must allow your business to expand and grow in a healthy way, when you start a business obviously nobody thinks of growing in a single day, because everything in life must be handled with caution, but your supplier must have many tools that allow you to run your business To the next level and think about franchises, some important aspects may be to integrate your econmerce with your Management System, also with a crm, it is also imperative that it demonstrates quality by allowing you to create landings pages, which allows you to create discount coupons, checking accounts for large clients , various price lists, etc.

# What things should I avoid with my online store?
If you want your store to be successful, you must avoid some mistakes that many make when building their online store, then avoid these mistakes:
a)online store difficult to understand for the user(navigation).
b)not having visibility in search engines.
c)not having adequate customer service.
d)poor description of the items and poor quality photos.
e)lie about the value or description of a product.
f)poor technical maintenance of the online store, with code errors in any structure of our site.

# can i promote my store on social media?
You can promote your store in any social network you need, something that you will like is that the companies that offer ecommerce store services, and some hosting providers, is that due to the high demand for this type of business, they all offer you online stores built for you, you only have to define what types of social networks you want to add to your online store, this utility is called social media buttons, these buttons allow you to have your online store present in any social medium that allows you to generate more customers and profits so that your business grows exponentially, below we are going to detail the benefits that your business can have by being present on each social platform:

a) youtube: it is perhaps the best way in which we can advertise our store through visual media, it is true that other social networks have the option of watching videos within their platform but this makes the fan page slower, and also In pages such as Facebook, they are spaces quite saturated by many extra options that the user does not use, on the other hand YouTube allows your followers to easily see the video where you promote your store and your products in a more detailed and clear way, I have personally managed to position videos in youtube in the first places without much effort, if you make a quality video you can get more clients for your business.

facebook: it is perhaps the most used means to promote online stores, a great advantage that you should know is that facebook allows you to add a purchase button directly to your fan page, in this way your potential customers can access your store and buy what they they need, this is a great help for them, remember that there are always novice buyers who have no idea where to click to access a certain site, but this button will make life easier for them and you will be the biggest beneficiary and best of all is that adding this purchase button is completely free, it is a tool and a very useful benefit of facebook.

c) twitter: this is a network dedicated to meeting the communication needs of many people in a curious way, something that you will like is that recently twitter has just made a new tool available on its platform, before there was no buy button but Now you can use this great tool to promote your store, in the same way that you did on Facebook, Twitter has mostly people between 25 and 50 years old, in this way you can filter better results to know what things you like the most someone who is those ages.

# Can I create product lists manually?
without any problem, if you are used to excel or any spreadsheet software, you can create a detailed list of products manually, and export that list to your online store, all these details can create a headache when We wonder how it is done but the truth is that these details are very easy to do, that nothing stops you from creating your online store and much less details as small as these, also the providers of ecommerce sites are at your disposal to make a store to your measure and with your personal tastes, because in the end the most important thing is that customers like the design of your store, because they are the ones who will make use of it.

# how to receive payments from my clients?
To receive payments for a product in your online store there are different means, the most popular are credit cards, these have been used for a long time so that online buyers make their transactions safely, customers love it simple things and they want to use common things with which they are familiar, other famous means to pay us such as paypal and bank transfers, these last 2 means are also widely used, paypal is perhaps the most used means by online buyers, because In addition to the security methods that are implemented on the web every day, for a buyer it is a source of joy to know that a company like PayPal can give them more protection to make their purchases, because it gives them an extra guarantee with their purchases, you decide What means of payment can your customers use, but you should also think about what means of payment are convenient for your business, but these are only small s details in my opinion.

# How do I protect my clients’ data?
The truth is that there are many factors that can endanger the security of your clients, but with the security technologies that currently exist it is almost impossible for a cyber criminal to steal your clients’ data, obviously your website It must be up to date with the latest security standards, but that matter is already important for your ecommerce provider, you should not worry too much about that, also with the security encryption that web pages have a professional hacker would take years to track encrypted data, because they are programming codes that are detonated like an atomic bomb but then the cyber criminal must find every piece of that bomb, something totally impossible, by the time he has finished, a customer’s purchase has ended many years ago. In fact, it is easier for someone to steal data in a physical store because when we use our credit card in a restaurant, gas station, or ATM it is easier for a thief to clone that information, so buying online is even safer than buying In our city.


# can I charge money for my products on my website, without being a company?
definitely yes, it is the best way to handle your customers’ purchases online, there is nothing better for a buyer than all the items of their choice, all the best offers, coupons and prices are all in one place, and when the client decides to pay does not want complications of any kind, wants to pay and voila, that is why you should never assign this task to anyone else, there are many reasons why you should have your own payment system in your online store, for reasons of security it is obvious that it is better that you are the one who manages the money that is paid to your business account, and above all for convenience reasons, please do not try to ask for too much information when your client pays, they want to finish their transaction very quickly , the different payment gateways will depend on the means of payment that are most convenient for your business, but they should also be the most convenient for your customers.

# Can I promote my store on other online shop?
Yes, almost every time we start an online business, the question arises about what is the best way to promote our website, without a doubt there are many ways to do it, thanks to the internet this is easier than ever, we should not expect immediate results because life does not It is like that, but doing things in the right way, with the correct means and the correct influences, marketing can be a resounding success, a great idea is to promote your brand on sites where new or used items are sold, the problem with this is that we can violate some rules of some sales sites, it is evident that no business wants you to obtain customers from another online store, in my opinion if we want to be fair we must get our own customers, but well everyone is free to do what they want If you do it right, you can get valuable traffic from popular sites, but the question is how to get a certain customer to be willing to leave a retail store. online sale to enter our sales site.

# what is the best ecommerce platform?
That depends on many factors, it depends on the geographical location that the ecommerce service provider may have, it is not something that important at first glance but if it is close to your country, that will increase the speed of transactions between your site and the customers especially When you have an extremely high number of customers, another factor may be the tools that you most need to run your business, for example if you want to sell shoes, you need your supplier to have many tools to show off the quality of your shoes and images of quality in different angles that do not doubt the quality of your product and also something very important is that we have the freedom to make our site at will (open source).

# Can I offer different prices depending on each client?
Without any problem, this feature is something basic in the services of ecommerce providers, but it is always good to be sure of details like t his, no matter how obvious it is, each client has different ways of thinking when they withdraw money from their wallet, that is why that your store must have different prices for each client, we all like to buy many things, but not all of us have the same economic ease, prices must be managed with care and must be updated, although with the current world it is possible that this is not It is an easy task, because prices are continually skyrocketing, but we must remember that customers do not like that prices are incorrect and at the end of a transaction they have to pay more than expected.

# How will I communicate with my clients?
The means of communication that we will use to communicate with our select clientele are the most common means today, such as personalized chat and our dear and always useful email, with personalized chat we can be in permanent contact with the client in real time , I wish we could know when a client is going to need our help, but at any unexpected moment a question may arise from our client, but we must be careful not to be annoying to any client, on occasions I have seen sites where the chat of Support and customer help have a window where the customer can click and receive help but the size of this window is too large, and it is annoying for the visibility of the content of our page, in my opinion it is a point to consider, about the emails are not new, you will always communicate with each client by mail sending them promotions and discounts according to the quality of the client, but we must also be careful not to create spam in our client’s mailbox, we must always be very respectful.

# can I get resellers with an ecommerce site?
Of course, if, who does not like that other sellers do not help to sell more our product, without investing anything else in the attempt, every reseller has the option of obtaining the amount of products they need, obviously the best clients deserve a special treatment, especially when it comes to customers who buy constantly, with special prices and the best quality of our products, we can make a special section on our website, for our dear resellers, so we need our ecommerce provider to allow us create our site to our liking, although we must be careful that resellers do not alter or inflate the price too much, there are cases of companies as exquisite as the supreme brand, where resellers sold the products at a price much higher than the original price, We are very interested in selling our product but we must also avoid the greed of a reseller because we must be Realistic with ourselves, let’s imagine that the production costs of our product go up a lot, or simply the supplier of our product decides to increase prices in a terrible way, that means that our resellers will surely want to raise the price and this can be a bad thing for our Reputation, I have always said that the quality of the product is the most important thing, but if the prices are too high, the number of customers can decrease dangerously.

# what is a faq section
Something that can undoubtedly help our clients is to have quick answers to their most frequent questions, when a client buys for the first time it is inevitable that they want to ask many things about our business, but for some reason they do not want or simply do not have the time To dialogue with one of our assistants, that is why every website that sells something must have that famous and useful section called the faq section, this section is precisely a selection of the most frequently asked questions by our clients, it should not be chosen For us they must be real questions asked by our clients, although you can copy some questions from an ecommerce site that is dedicated to the same business as us, in this way we can save some hassle and alleviate the doubts of our clients.
Something that we must avoid when we answer a question is to give too much explanation, it may seem counterproductive but remember that our clients do not want to know everything, they only want to know what is necessary to acquire a quality product, they do not need to know our production problems, problems of costs, problems with our inventory or problems of any other matter, they simply want you to explain what they can do within your online store and what other things cannot be done, you do not need to give more explanations, if they are interested in knowing more, they should contact you directly in the chat or support or by our email.

# is the opinion of our customers important?
It is extremely important that our customers give us their opinion about their experience buying in our store, otherwise we cannot know what we can improve on our ecommerce site, not all criticisms are important, but there are always customers who have good ideas to improve our business, usually large sites such as ebay and amazon among others use a survey system where each user makes an assessment of each seller, with details such as product quality, attention, speed of delivery among other things, as I said previously we will never be able to satisfy everyone is something impossible, but the most important thing is that the most important details must be taken seriously when our clients comment.

# can I sell anything in an online store?
You can sell anything you want, the sky is the limit, I have always said that any product that human beings consume is a business opportunity, your only job is to find the clients who need your product, taking this into account we can differentiate different business models that we can create, at this moment I will give you only some business ideas that give excellent results on the internet, according to my experience:

a) fashion: curiously fashion is perhaps the most profitable business in online sales, in the entire globe, this is a sector as wide as a small ocean where there are millions of fish that want to be caught by you, many say that you should sell something That pleases you, and maybe they are right, because when you sell something that you like, you will put your heart in that product and you will not get bored of selling it, and you will treat customers with more courtesy, but I think that first you must sell something That you generate profits and then sell what you like, but in short, fashion is an excellent option to create your store.

b)travel: perhaps there is not a single person who likes to be in one place in this world, we all like to travel, perhaps some prefer to make short trips within their city, but every day there are new adventurers who want to go outside their country to know the world as it is, which is why this is a business that has grown enormously, people who travel love travel plans, because in this way they do not have to waste time making reservations anywhere, when people Going on vacation just wants fun without worrying about anything else. so you can try your luck in this sector.

c)technology: it is a sector that generates huge profits for all owners of an online store, every day there are more buyers who want to buy their phone, headphones, computer and other accessories online, for good reasons including the price, convenience of delivery, among Others, perhaps the only problem is that the investment in technology is a very high investment, but that is another matter, otherwise it is a very good option.

books: the sale of books is a sector that has grown a lot in recent times, I remember how I hated books and doing research with them but now books are things of the past, now they only exist because there are always interests behind them in schools and universities, but surely there will come a day where even the books in schools and universities will disappear and it will be the true boom of books, and the best thing is that you do not need to write any book you simply have to obtain digital books to resell them, although the common thing is that many businesses have both options, a physical store and an online store to meet the demand and all tastes of consumers, there are books that can be sold from $ 1 to hundreds of dollars.

your own product: surely you have created something great that the world should know about or maybe you have in your possession a limited amount of a great product that you want to sell, if you are a designer, inventor, writer, or simply you are an entrepreneur who is willing to sell something that you sell in a store or with some smaller clients, you can grow your business and take it to the next level, you don’t need your current clients to switch to the digital world, because it can be to get new clients who already have experience buying online, I once heard of a Japanese entrepreneur who planted flowers called chrysanthemums, and I created a small business with that simple product, she grows these flowers herself and I simply need internet technology to promote her product.

online courses: one of the things that has grown is business with online courses, at the time I write this article the world is still feeling the consequences of the covid 19 pandemic, something that has left a great economic impact around the world , and one of the most affected sectors is education, but it also represented a great opportunity for online businesses to have a great boom and receive millions of new consumers around the world, everyone began to see distance education with others eyes, and without a doubt the online course business was very successful and will undoubtedly continue to grow in popularity every day.

# can i bulk load xls?
If possible, the massive load of product inventory data is a curious technique that allows us to save a lot of time editing products in our online store, in my opinion it is something simple to do, because you simply have to make an xls file (sheet of excel) that allows you to order a certain line of products that you want to export to your site, the amount of products and the variation will depend on you, each case is different, I can not help you much in that sense but I insist that this is something easy to do, I doubt that someone entrepreneur in these times does not know how to do work in excel, but if you have never used the office packages get to work and learn, in any case you can see video tutorials on how to do it, it is easier to this way.

# What is the integration of a crm with an ecommerce?
It is an organization model that allows us to have an order on the list of our clients, we sure do not want to waste time with a client who buys very little, instead we want to maintain excellent communication and relationships with clients who have large volumes of purchase, we want to give due follow-up and know how we can improve your shopping experience, a simple example is when a user registers or fills in a form, this information is automatically synchronized with crm. This is the main advantage and utility of this tool, with all this we can increase productivity in a fantastic way, without making large investments.

# What is the integration of a management system with an electronic commerce?
They are information systems that allow your business to have a control of the inventory of products, information of the articles, descriptions and updated prices among other things. When a customer buys it is something annoying that the price is outdated or that the information is wrong, this is where we need an information system that controls all this data automatically, another of those details that perhaps you have ever noticed is that when you do a question about a product answers the automatic answering machine, this is not much use but it is useful for the customer to wait a little longer for your answer, when you have your online store up and running, obviously not time to serve 2 customers at the same time , that’s why you need to handle the data well without making mistakes to avoid confusion with a client.

# What is a ERP?
It is a central information system that contains all the information of your company, where they are gathered in one place so that all your resources and information are accessible quickly and reliably by all the people linked to your business, you do not need to learn anything from this To be honest, you just have to learn how an erp software works, at first it may seem difficult,  but when you understand it, it will make life much easier for you and your online store.

# What kind of ecommerce exist?
Maybe you think that the types of ecommerce are defined by the product that is bought and sold through the internet, but the truth is that speaking in technical terms, ecommerce is divided based on the type of interaction that exists between both parties, that is It is not the same that a company sells to another company, and that a company sells to a particular person, it is these concepts that will help us define the types of ecommerce that exist:

a) B2b: it is a type of ecommerce that allows business between 2 companies only, all transactions are carried out with large volumes of items that will be sold to small stores and these will sell to the minority customer.
b) B2c: It is the type of business that allows transactions between a company and an individual, it is commonly called the end customer, it is any type of transaction made in our daily lives as individuals through the Internet.
c2c: it is the type of negotiations that allow 2 individuals to make small agreements exchanging products without any company intervening in this process.
b2E: it is a type of agreement between the company and its employees, when you work, the owner of the company has a web page where he sells products at a cheaper price or with special promotions that only said people are allowed to buy them.
G2c: it is a type of special project where the government of a certain country allows its citizens to carry out procedures that people usually do personally, these can be the payment of taxes, payment of tuition, payment of goods and services, mortgage and others.

#final words:
All ecommerce platforms currently have improved their services in a very pleasant way, we will not say that there is perfection, but we can note that all the extra tools and functions that we need can be received from our ecommerce providers without problem, according to our stability analyzes and security is also very good, therefore they are sufficient reasons to start our online store without any kind of excuses, then If you want to stop being an employee and now be an employer, you need some tools to get it, one of the easiest ways is to create your online store, the good thing about all this is that in just one week you can have a store without programming knowledge, as we said before , today is easier than ever! go for it.

And the other hand, If you want to go a step further and want to be a great entrepreneur, you can create your own advertising system to promote your page, there are free and paid means, obviously the payment methods are the most efficient and fastest, with this business you can have your own online store, and sell products and ship around the world, you can sell your own products virtual and physical, and attract your customers, everything is through the internet.

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