Best future for you: If you are a young person with a whole future ahead of you, but you don’t have the time to attend an academy with physical facilities, maybe you can be one of the happiest people today. because virtual academies have evolved in an excellent way, with a total growth so much that now we can receive classes from true experts graduated from prestigious universities something that many of us would have liked to have before, I did not have that possibility of having all that information and the ability to train from my home, therefore my advice to you is Obviously, if you got here, welcome to my website, dear student, and I wish you the best and I hope that this article will serve as a guide to know the best online academies that we were able to analyze in good detail, we can say that online academies are have become a virtual adventure, because the classes are in a way entertaining because we can connect with a live classroom, something that I love is that we can also meet friends and fellow students from all over the world, meet friends or colleagues in a physical classroom in your country is one thing, but meeting people from other countries is an experience that motivates us to continue studying, At this content, I will also recommend the best option to study right now, according to my opinion and according to the convenience and comfort offered by these sites.
Best academy program for you: One of the biggest concerns is how the academies solve the days when a student cannot connect or when he misses a virtual exam, but all these problems are already solved in advance by practically all the online academies, as always do not worry, we will not recommend academies that They do not meet the basic requirements to receive and attend to the needs of the students, on the other hand we can say that it is impressive that we can even pursue advanced careers, which perhaps we only find in the university, although I will be honest in the university they do not teach you many things that you can only learn online, but this does not mean that an online course cannot help you in your university studies, of course yes, but I think that online courses require a bit of dedication, depending on the free time you have, although it is also one of the advantages that class schedules are adapted to you, and not the other way around. all the information in this article was a serious investigation I hope it is useful to you.
now Let’s see the advantages of studying or taking an online course:
1) affordable prices: Every business grows over time when the demand is very great, and it always brings benefits for everyone, today studying or buying an online course is totally accessible to everyone, because in recent years with all social distances that have interrupted normal classes such as Pandemics have allowed online classes to have the importance they deserve, many countries now understand that it is not possible to move forward leaving technology behind, therefore now studying online will be cheaper and increasingly cheaper, although we must not fool ourselves, not all academies They have the same prices, but in my list of best academies, I will make it very clear which are the faces and why they are recommended, but we will also analyze others with better prices.
2) accessible hours: Perhaps the biggest reason for entrepreneurs or future bosses to want an online course, it is for the short time to attend an academy in a physical building, unfortunately for many people who work it is very difficult to meet a schedule and physically attend an academy, because it is also very exhausting, but all these problems are easily solved With an internet connection and an online course, if you think about it, you can take your laptop anywhere and you can even go for a picnic or walk, relax and take an online class comfortably.
3) many courses: It is another thing that has seemed extremely curious to me the enormous number of courses that we can find online, we can even find courses for strange things, but let’s not deviate the subject, the important thing is that we have a large number of courses that will serve us regardless of your interests .
4) certified teachers: It is something that I have also found excellent and also curious that online academies can access to hire professors even graduates of a university, we will not say how strict they are to select their staff, but for all the opinions that we have analyzed from students in various academies, the teachers are extremely trained, therefore the quality of the teachers according to our analysis and experience is fully guaranteed for everyone.
5) comfort: It is not the same to take a class in a classroom because we understand that it is exhausting to drive and move to a place especially at night, in my opinion these sacrifices are no longer necessary because online classes allow us to take classes quietly even when not we are at home, because as we said before, you only need an internet connection and a computer, there are even academies that perhaps have their mobile application.
6) smart investment:One of the best reasons to hire an online course is to invest in you, remember that all the money we spend on other things, most of them disappear or we must buy them regularly, nothing stays with us, but knowledge is something that we cannot lose without matter what material goods we lose.
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now if we see the best online academies that we can use to learn:
fiverr is the best platform to study online in my opinion, all the other online academies are a very good option for anyone, but I love fiverr for its ease of use and its platform is relatively friendly for anyone who wants to have an online teacher For the first time, on this website there are teachers for all tastes, languages, schedules, and you can even buy courses and access them instantly, it is a platform with excellent quality teachers, of course there are teachers for every pocket, if you are not a person with a lot of money do not worry you have many choices to choose from, and I mean many, without a doubt you will learn and have a lot of fun with this platform.
Fiverr Academy Features:
*Available courses: programming, engineering, science, personal development, business, architecture, marketing, music, photography, health and fitness, finance, mathematics, crafts, pet care, makeup, video gaming, portrait and more.
*Teaching methods: videos, slides, text, possible outdoor activities.
*Price range per course: between $5 and $200 for each course.
*Accepted countries: all countries.
*payment methods: PayPal, crédit & debit cards(Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover).
*Refunds: if you don’t like someone fiverr service or online teacher you can
request a total refund.
visit fiverr now(press this link)
Fiverr is an online marketplace created by Israelis for unique services. The company also among other things provides a platform for remote workers to offer services to clients from all over the world through the internet. a) legit site: this wonderful company called Fiverr was founded by Micha Kaufman and Shai Wininger, and was launched in February 2010. It was all born when the founders came up with the concept of a varied online market that enables a platform where There are, as is normal in any business, two sides so that interested people can buy and sell a variety of digital services that are usually offered by different people around the globe, such as independent contractors. There are a variety of excellent quality services that we can find by searching its wonderful platform. Among these services offered on the site, we can find, for example, graphic design, editing, writing, translation, and multimedia and video programming.
*certificate of completion each course(optional).
* we can do Questions and Answers with each instructor or teacher without problems.
*Fiverr have a excellent catalog of courses for choose.
*Courses taught by professionals on highly knowledge for your comodity.
*Many courses are free for test his platform, no problems for you.
*Access to all courses for cheapest price when you pay subscription separately each course.
*You can use his website using its mobile application
*The courses are available in multilanguage.
*Each teacher has their reviews made by their students that we can read to select the best teacher for us.
*free courses lĂmited.
*courses are offers limited on free courses.
d)easy of use: its relatively easy use the fiverr platform for beginners and experts withouth problems
e)our score:9.7/10
visit fiverr now(press this link)
is the best second online academy for us, is based in san francisco california, US. It’s the best page in our ranking, it has a very high reputation, its website is easy to use, and it has 17 million users. its prices are very low, and it has very good evaluations, I recommend it without a doubt.
Udemy Features:
*Available courses: programming, engineering, science, personal development, business, architecture, marketing, music, photography, health and fitness, finance, mathematics, social science, crafts, pet care, makeup, travel and more.
*Teaching methods: videos, slides, text.
*Price range per course: between $10 and $200 for each course.
*Accepted countries: all countries(except China).
*payment methods: PayPal, crédit & debit cards(Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover).
*Refunds: if you don’t like Udemy, you have 30 days money back guarantee.
visit any online academy now here
3) EDX:
in position 3 we have this site, which has a wonderful performance, that allows a lot of support and has certified courses for real professions, at good prices , its classes are taught via webcam, very well.
EDX Features:
*Available courses: science, programming, engineering, science, personal development, business, Humanities and more.
*Teaching methods: videos, slides, text, vĂa webcam.
*Price range per course: between $20 and $300 for each course.
*Accepted countries: all countries.
*payment methods: Paypal, Applepay, crédit & debit cards(Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover).
*Refunds: 30 days money back guarantee in Edx.
is a company that best selects its online teachers, they are carefully selected so that you have a better experience, I think this page has high quality teachers, the problem is that it is very expensive.
Smart Academy Features:
*Available courses: science, personal development, business, architecture, marketing, music, photography, health and fitness, finance, mathematics, social science, and more.
*Teaching methods: videos, slides, webcam.
*Price range per course: between $6 and $10 per hour. (each course).
*Accepted countries: all countries.
*payment methods: wire transfer.
*Refunds: Smart Academy have 30 days money back guarantee.
register any online academy here
This site is somewhat curious, but it has very good teachers, and they are more expensive than other platforms, but theirs teachers are excellent professionals in my opinion.
Classgap Features:
*Available courses: languages, science, personal development, business, marketing, music, photography, finance, mathematics, and more.
*Teaching methods: videos, slides, text.
*Price range per course: between $8 and $15 per hour, each course.
*Accepted countries: all countries.
*payment methods: PayPal, Wire transfer.
*Refunds: you have 30 days money back guarantee.
visit any website to learn here
Another place where you should not pay per class, neither per hour, but you pay a monthly subscription more or less cheap
Futurelearn Features:
*Available courses: science, personal development, business, marketing, finance, and more.
*Teaching methods: videos, text, webcam.
*Price range per subscription: between $30 and $100 per month.
*Accepted countries: all countries.
*payment methods: PayPal, Stripe, wire transfer.
*Refunds: Futurelearn have 30 days money back guarantee.
this site specializes in teaching languages, if you want to learn any language this site is for you, in fact it is the only type of teaching you will find here.
Verling Features:
*Available courses: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Arabic.
*Teaching methods: videos, slides, text.
*Price range per course: between $50 and $100 for each course.
*Accepted countries: all countries.
*payment methods: PayPal, TransferWise, Payoneer, or Verbling Credit.
*Refunds: if you don’t like verling you have 30 days money back guarantee.
It is a very complete website, I really liked its platform, it has an immense number of courses with all the topics.
Tutellus Features:
*Available courses: programming, engineering, science, personal development, business, architecture, marketing, music, health and fitness, finance, mathematics, social science, crafts and more.
*Teaching methods: videos, slides, text.
*Price range per course: between $20 and $100 for each course.
*Accepted countries: all countries.
*payment methods: PayPal.
*Refunds: yes, 30 days money back guarantee.
visit any website to learn here
this site has interesting courses it specializes in sport, art and entertaiment courses , its website seems easy to use, and it has good teachers.
Masterclass Features:
*Available courses: finance, sport, fitness, film, art, music, cooking and more.
*Teaching methods: videos, slides, text.
*Subscription per month: $15 per month(all courses available).
*Accepted countries: all countries.
*payment methods: Paypal, credit & debit cards(MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover).
*Refunds: Masterclass have too, 30 days money back guarantee.
a company that has a good reputation although I did not like the courses they offer, but it is a good place to learn without a doubt.
Coursera Features:
*Available courses: science, personal development, business, marketing, finance, mathematics, social science,and more.
*Teaching methods: videos, slides, text.
*Monhtly subscription: $37 per month( all courses available).
*Accepted countries: all countries.
*payment methods: crédit cards(Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB).
*Refunds: of course, Coursera have 30 days money back guarantee.
in the last position we have this site, I must admit that the last place, is for the prices and not for quality, this site has an medium quality and its page have an regular design in my opiniĂłn.
Superprof Features:
*Available courses: science, personal development, business, marketing, music, health and fitness
*Teaching methods: videos, slides, text.
*Price range per course: The subscription costs $29/month.( all courses available).
*Accepted countries: all countries.
*payment methods: crédit & debit cards(Visa, Mastercard, American Express y Diners Club).
*Refunds: no problem, you have 30 days money back guarantee.
visit great option to study online (press here)
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Full review all sites
The site has different things to analyze, and it has different options that we were able to analyze with a certain time, the site has different open spaces and a distance between the options that is correct enough not to confuse the most newbies.
# a)legit site:
It was founded in 2010 and is based in the United States, and on its site there are approximately 155,000 online courses, and finally we analyzed several comments from some users who have used Udemy and most of the comments are very good about this site, therefore We can recommend this site for you to enter and buy the course that you like the most.
# b)advantages:
*certificate of completion each course.
* we can do Questions and Answers with each instructor or teacher.
*Udemy have a Wide catalog of courses for choose.
*Courses taught by professionals con highly knowledge
*Many courses are free for test his platform.
*Lifetime access to all courses for one p rice when you pay subscription.
*You can use his website from anywhere using its mobile application
*The courses are available in Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish, and more.
*Each instructor or teacher has their opinions or reviews made by their students that we can read to select the best teacher for us.
# c)disadvantages:
* The prices on udemy are relatively cheap but they are not the cheapest compared to other online academies, although there are courses that only cost $12.
* offers are not permanent, and it depends on the season to find courses on offer.
* free courses on udemy do not have a certificate of completion, only paid courses. you must pay for a course if you want to get a certificate of completion when you finish it.
# d)easy of use:
Looking at your site, I think you would have no problem acquiring or buying your first course and start learning online.
# e)our rating:
# 2)EDX:
This site has very surprising details to start with, it has courses created by very important universities worldwide, including Harvard University and Massachusets University, without a doubt that means that they are courses of the highest level.
# a)legit site:
site founded in 2012, EDX man aged to acquire the rights to distribute online courses from top-level universities, I saw excellent reviews when researching this site, this does not surprise me considering that they are courses made by universities of the highest quality in the world.
# b)advantages:
* verified certificate with each paid courses that you can use to get a better job.
* Thousands of available courses created by America’s best universities.
* The courses are open to anyone around the world.
* EDX has a help forum where we can dialogue with students from all over the world.
*approximatelly 3500 courses available with free and paid courses
# c)disadvantages:
* free courses don´t have a certificate of completion. only paid courses.
*The prices are not expensive but they are not very cheap either.
# d)prices:
someones courses cost $50 but when you pay you will have your certificate of completion included.
# e)easy of use:
Their website is very modern and elegant, I would not expect less considering the quality of the courses they offer, and personally I think it is well designed so that newbies do not have problems registering.
# f)our rating:
9.7/10. HIghly recommended.
A somewhat curious site that will allow us to learn with interesting courses, analyzing this site I got bored a bit, but I must admit that it has very good courses.
# a)legit site:
The site is based in Singapore and it has a site that seems safe to me, I will not say that I have total confidence in this site but this is due to the little information I found on this site, but it still seems to me an interesting site.
# b)advantages:
*If you don’t like courses where there are too many students and you want to have a dedicated teacher for few students, this site is ideal.
* special CPD accreditation.
* very experts teachers
* very good courses such as analytics, UX design, web application development, digital marketing, and so much more.
# c)disadvantages:
*The courses are recommended for people with a lot of money, because apparently all courses cost
*does not have free courses.
# d)easy of use:
the page honestly confused me a bit, the design is not bad, but maybe if you are a newbie you need several minutes to learn how to use the site and enroll in a course.
# e)our rating:
a site with a beautiful design and it is a site that I love to analyze, its aesthetics and interface is very cheerful and I recommend it for inexperienced users in my opinion it is special for you. a site with a beautiful design and it is a site that I love to analyze, its aesthetics and interface is very cheerful and I recommend it for inexperienced users in my opinion it is special for you. it was a pleasure to analyze this site.
# a)legit site:
a site founded in 2014 with a design on its website that invites us to navigate comfortably, if you are motivated by the beautifully designed sites, you will like this site, and the opinions of the students that I could read are very satisfactory, therefore I can recommend this site so that start learning.
# b)advantages:
* lessons in various languages.
* private lessons for you.
* temporar y discounts for new students. (Maybe they won’t always be available, take advantage of them)
* approximately 12,000 online teachers.
* very flexible schedules according to your occupations.
* good prices and very good promotions to start, there are courses that only cost $10 an hour, and we have up to 20 minutes to try the class for free and see if we like it before registering for the class.
# c)disadvantages:
* We do not have free courses, although we can try each course for 15 or 20 minutes for free before paying.
* apparently classgap do es not offer certificates of completion.
# d)easy of use:
The platform is very easy to use in my opinion, I saw a very friendly and fun interface, maybe we will not have our certificate for finishing a course, but I must admit that I really like the page, it looks very happy and if you are a user who likes it very simple and easy to use you may love this site.
# e)our rating:
This site is another very friendly site for novice users, it also has a great advantage that it offers us a large number of free courses, although obviously we will not get the same benefits as a paid course but if you like to try the free courses on a site before to invest in a paid one, this site is an excellent option.
# a)legit site:
This site was founded in 2012 in England, It has approximately 12.5 million students on its platform. according to my research it is the first online academy in the UK, look for opinions from users who took a course in futurelearn, and the reviews are good, therefore it is a site that deserves our trust.
# b)advantages:
* Available in: Spanish, Chinese, English, French, Dutch, and maybe more.
* many free courses to test the platform before investing in paid courses.
* certificate of completion to paid courses.
* very skills courses to learn.
# c)disadvantages:
* free courses haven´t certificate of completion, only paid courses.
* Futurelearn have a deadline to access the free courses, when that time limit ends we cannot access the course, only paying for the course.
# d)easy of use:
It is perhaps not that easy to use the site, with a few minutes or perhaps a few hours we can understand how to enroll in a course, depending on your skill or patience.
# e)prices:
the paid courses generally have cost between $50 y $100.
# e)our rating:
# a)legit site:
Founded in 2011 in San Francisco USA, with Jake Jolis at the helm, it is a site specially designed for people who want to learn a new language, according to my research Verbling does an exhaustive and heavy selection process of the best language teachers to guarantee an education with very high quality, and reading the comments and reviews of the students w e can say that verbling has a very good reputation.
# b)advantages:
* certificates of completion.
* Verbling does a tough screening of prospective teachers to ensure a quality courses.
* it is special if you are only interested in learning a new language.
* Private classes with teachers who speak in differe nt languages ​​according to your needs such as English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin, Russian, among others.
* verbling has a special computer program to take your virtual classes without problem.
* it has a forum to chat with other students about classes.
# c)disadvantages:
* Prices are not the cheapest, but they are accessible for any enterprising person with a stable job.
# d)prices:
I found courses and cost between $10 and $20 for each class, in my opinion they are good prices to start with, especially considering the quality of the teachers that this site has.
# e)easy of use:
The platform has a nice interface, and when we enter their site we have a nice free trial to determine which are the best options for us, in my opinion the ease of use is very good, even when we enter they give us the option to choose the language What interests us I think it is difficult to get lost or confused, something that you may like is that the classmates will also help you understand the concepts of the class, therefore it is more difficult for you to be left with doubts when a lesson is finished.
# f)our rating:
It has a design of your page a bit heavy in my opinion, it takes a while to fully load, but maybe it depends on where you live and obviously your internet connection, although my connection is very high, 10mb to be specific, but the site is fine. It is interesting, when we enter the web, we can see its characteristics as a company, something that bothered me a bit but it is understandable, to start we must register, luckily registering is very easy because the option to join appears visibly on its home page, among others things we tried to analyze everything we could about this site.
# a)legit site:
It was founded in 2013, and it is a very popular site, it has perhaps 600,000 active students on its platform and these numbers may continue to grow , it has an immense number of courses to choose from and the opinions I found about this site are good.
# b)advantages:
* about 100,000 video courses to learn.
* free courses
* good teachers.
* certificates of completion.
* courses available in multiple languages.
* personalized tutors.
# c)disadvantages:
* free courses are limited for a certain time, and we cannot access all the content on the site. only paying a monthly subscription.
* we need to pay an annual subscription to have access to the certificates of completion of a course.
# d)prices:
monthly subscriptions have very cheap costs between $10 and $40 approximately.
# e)easy of use:
I found it easy to understand and use, some details were a bit strange, but in general the site is relatively easy for anyone to use, it took me a while to understand all its functions but they are not difficult to learn. Something that I liked is that we can find courses on interesting topics such as cryptocurrencies and perhaps other topics that may interest you later in the future, in fact these courses are very modern taking into account the technology that advances fast.
# f)our rating:
It is not my style to recommend very new sites but I really liked this site because the opinions of the users who have used the platform speak for themselves, when we enter your site we find a pleasant presentation of the most recommended or most requested courses in that moment, another site that we liked to analyze for you.
# a)legit site:
It is a relatively new site, but what I think is a site with a very large growth and that it may be the next great competitor of other online academies, I say this because the opinions of the users that I could observe or read, are very good, well it says The saying a review of another user is worth a thousand words.
# b)advantages:
* if you pay the pro subscription, you are entitled to a 20% discount, always notice that these discounts can disappear at any time, do not blame me if you are late
* many courses on various topics
* personalized and special help if you pay a subscription.
* Large amount of extra material for users who pay the subscription.
* certificate of completion.
# c)disadvantages:
* you not expect a lot of attention or help if you don’t pay the subscription.
* Completion certificates for each course are only obtained if you pay the pro subscription.
# d)prices:
the lowest prices are courses for only $10, but remember if you pay the annual subscription you receive 20% discount on all courses.
# e)easy of use:
it´s relatively easy.
# f)our rating:
If you are a follower or fan of television stars or figures you will love this site, it has courses made by celebritie s such as Gordon Ramsay, It is Deblin, Neil degrasse Tyson, Samuel Jackson among others, its content caught my attention if you are a follower of these famous surely you would like to enter this site. this site that students who like to support other students may be interested in, because courses are created by students who understand the needs of other students.
# a)legit site:
Masterclass has good opinions, unfortunately I did not find many opinions, but the few opinions I found are good reviews, the truth is that I am very interested in this site especially because I love characters like Gordon Ramsay and Samuel Jackson, it is something interesting to think that masterclass has courses made for them.
# b)advantages:
* very good courses made by various celebrities
* the annual subscription has many benefits
* PDF workbooks for each class
* you can download the courses to view them offline.
# c)disadvantages:
* There are no free courses
* Masterclass has a free trial period but it is only 7 days long.
* There is only the annual subscription plan available, there is no monthly plan. but I think that the annual has a very comfortable price.
# d)prices:
masterclass has a cost of $180 for a year of subscription on its platform, but in the future it can go up their price or even down.
# d)easy of use:
it´s relatively easy in my opinion.
# e)our rating:
# how do online courses work?
Online courses are a very modern way to learn and train in a very comfortable way from your home, you simply need an internet connection, a computer, and perhaps other extra tools (not mandatory) such as headphones, microphone (I repeat that these tools do not are compulsory) and of course many desire to learn, as you can see you do not need special knowledge to start learning from the comfort of your residence, there are other points in favor such as the learning schedule, it is almost always you who decides at what times you want study, by the way if you want to pay for an online course for your children you can do it without any problem, I think it is a very good thing because you can also know what your children are doing on the computer and you should not worry about leaving your home and knowing if your children they are really learning.
# What learning material is used in online courses?
different learning materials can be used, these tools can be videos, text and slides, some teachers can include some extra activities to strengthen and enrich the class, in the case of videos these can be specific videos that probably have content exactly related to the class, this seems good to me, I have always found it annoying to study something that is very little related to what you are studying, on the other hand the text used may be of the teacher’s own origin, something that I find very interesting because it makes us think that the teacher takes his class very seriously. Extra activities can be homework, or technical tests that can help us gain more experience on our own.
# How can I join in an online course?
1-choose online academy:To join an online course we only have to choose any page of courses from the previous list, for me any option is good, it seems to me that they all have their strengths, otherwise it is a matter of taste.
2-register an account: then we must register an account on a site of our choice where we must put our personal interests, we must specify them very well, because the teachers and subjects will be better. choose course: the best thing is to choose the course we want, we can filter our search by subject, teacher quality, user ratings, among other things.
3-enroll in the course: when we have decided all the above, now we need what options we have to enroll in the course, each course has an established price, according to the quality of the teacher, some always worry about making a bad investment, but calm, practically all the Online academies will refund your money if you are not satisfied with the teaching during the first 30 days.
4-pay for the course: when you decide to pay for the course you can use different methods to pay, among them are credit cards, bank transfer, app store and paypal (my all-time favorite).
# Should I join a course on a certain date?
You can join a course at any time, it is the great advantage of taking online courses, we are talking about that a distance class does not need classrooms, chairs, blackboard, or anything similar, so you can always enroll at any time and day What do you want, although the only problem for you would be that the quota is filled at a certain time, but you can choose from many teachers who can give classes on the schedule that you need most.
# is there a limit of students per course?
of course yes, surely you thought that online classes did not have a limit of students, because a classroom is not needed, but the truth is that it is not correct for a teacher to have too many students for 2 reasons, firstly because obviously it will not be an adequate teaching experience, and secondly because the internet connection can be affected if there are too many people connected to the same virtual classroom.
# How many hours a day should I use to take online courses?
Very little in my opinion, you can take an online course to reinforce your knowledge in some subject, or you can learn something else when you take an online course, many people only take 2 hours a day of their time to take online courses, think about it, instead of wasting time watching tv, or many other things, they can acquire a new skill by taking an online course, something that will help you a lot is learning other languages, maybe it can be fun for you, and definitely, it can ensure you an excellent job where languages ​​are needed .
# is there any way to see a preview of the course?
Sure, usually you can always see a preview of the course, it is definitely a great idea to see a previous information about the characteristics of the course, in this way you can avoid bad unforeseen events, and you can know if the course you intend to buy or join, is the right one for you, basically in the preview you can see some sample classes where the teacher will show you a small part of the content that you will see within his class and you can see if you like his way of teaching.
# can i cancel a course at any time?
Without a doubt, the world changes rapidly, and when we least think about it, we may have difficulties to meet all our goals in the year, one of the advantages of online courses, if for any reason beyond your control, you must cancel your subscription to a course You can do it without any problem, as long as you cancel your course in the first 30 days after paying, you can request a refund from the online academies, all of which I recommend have this interesting policy.
# Are the online courses of good quality?
Online academies have a very good reputation, both students and teachers have very good reviews, in general terms all the tools used are of very good quality as well, so if you decide to buy a course in any online academy, it will be money well invested , but as you can imagine, no academy is perfect and they have some flaws, but they are quite normal defects in my opinion, a complaint from users is the difference in prices between some courses, but if you want to learn something of quality you must be willing to pay the best teachers, well at least that’s my point of view.
# Is it advisable to take online courses and study at the same time?
Of course, you can study normally in your personal life and take online courses at the same time, obviously it all depends on the time and the will you have to learn much faster about a specific subject, another point that you should consider are the extra expenses that this can generate, although this may not be a problem, because some courses are quite cheap in some online academies, I have always thought that the best professional is anyone who never stops learning, in other words online courses can serve as a strong help to train you much faster, also in a world as fast as ours, the professional who learns the most is the one who has better job opportunities.
# How do you measure my learning level in an online course?
In the same way that your learning is measured in a classroom, through online assignments and activities, many courses include their own teacher and they may require that the assignments and assignments that they consider appropriate are sent by mail, in that sense You can rest easy, the learning experience is very similar to a conventional classroom, the types of activities and time to deliver determined will depend on each teacher, well obviously I do not think it is convenient to take the tasks with little seriousness, in the end they all leave benefited.
# How often a student interacts with his teacher online?
Well, this always depends, each teacher needs different forms to make their evaluations, obviously it is more beneficial that the students have a lot of participation within the class, in the same way you can ask all the questions that you consider necessary, it is generally better to hire A personalized online teacher, although the cost would be much higher, but it seems that the interaction between the teacher is somewhat limited, I really think that the interaction is something personal, in a normal classroom everyone chooses to be participatory within the class, as long as your home internet connection is very stable, you should not have problems talking enough with your teacher, in any case there are always students who do not participate much, so you can take the opportunity to participate longer, there are students They ask questions that are very helpful to all the other students, so if you like to participate a lot, in general you shouldn’t have a problem and enjoy it.
# Can children also take classes online?
Anyone can take an online course, it is one of the greatest advantages of online courses, if you are a parent who cares a lot about your children and you want to know exactly what your children do on the computer, you have an excellent opportunity to allow them to Your children learn something that will serve them for their future, and no matter how old your children are, scientific studies affirm that human beings learn much more in their childhood, a girl as I remember obtained a Guinness record for learning 5 languages ​​when she I was less than 6 years old, definitely if you have very young children you will not make a mistake allowing them to learn another language, or any other activity, it is recommended that it always be something that your children like, but that is the decision of each parent. Another advantage is that your children do not need to go anywhere to receive their studies, many parents fear that their children will take additional classes to their school year, due to lack of time, it is evident that no parent wants to miss when their children have an event special, but with an online course, you will not have those problems, because your child will receive all their classes online.
# Does the school provide homework reminders?
If you often forget things, you should not worry because the academies always want their students to learn as much as possible (that’s the way it should be), and they often send reminders of your classes and pending tasks, well I imagine this depends on each teacher because some leave more tasks and others perhaps leave tasks that take longer to complete, we all know that the world moves very fast and we have a limited time to meet all our objectives, the more goals we have in a given year it is inevitable that they will we forget many things daily, but if you use your email regularly you can be aware of your classes, without any problem, the important thing is that you maintain a good organization of your time and without a doubt you will be able to meet all your goals this year and also receive an online course that allows you to grow as a professional, it is recommended to have a personalized email (unique) to receive your tasks and reminders in the same email in a more orderly, it is not mandatory but it will certainly be very helpful.
# what happens if i miss an assignment due date
If for some reason you could not deliver an assignment on the indicated date, you can indicate that you had problems to deliver that assignment, many things can happen so that you do not deliver the assigned assignment, for example, you may lose your internet connection (one of the worst things that can happen to us), maybe you had a problem in your work, problems with the computer, among other things, each teacher can give you different options to recover the lost points, maybe you will receive fewer points when you turn in the homework a day later, but It all depends on the reasons for not delivering your homework in the established time, online academies also understand that people have their private life, in my opinion it is nothing serious, but the academies take into account all these situations so that there are no problems between teachers and students.
# is there any course where I can learn to develop intelligence
Surely, there are too many courses to feed your mind and make it stronger, doing different education systems that allow all people to develop their own intelligence, we must remember that our mind is a muscle, that it needs to be exercised constantly, each person has different ways of learning things, without a doubt it is something very embarrassing when the teacher explains something, all the students understand the explanation, except you (if you have that problem I understand you), for that the academies think of different strategies so that their Students can be outstanding students, many of these courses are related to the psychology that manages our mind, these courses can also be entertaining, some may include some called mental games that activate the brain and allow the development of different chemical processes that make it react in a certain way our brain, many people try to learn many things but their learning is very slow, sure that the courses for people with slow learners will help almost anyone, in fact online academies now have courses with physical and mental disabilities.
# Are there activities within the course to develop outside the home?
It depends on the teacher and the course where you are enrolled, generally online activities can be very recreational or interesting, this may involve physical exercises if they are courses on physical well-being, for example in a cooking course the teacher may be very interesting and ask you to record yourself, cooking, if it is a class where you need to do a lot of research, another interesting dynamic is to do interviews, on a certain topic that can make the class become much more interesting, personally I am a little shy for these things but without a doubt they are necessary to better learn the concepts of each subject, some fun activities that you may also be able to do is to become a special agent to do a market study on something specific, the amount of times that maybe you should Comply with these activities outside your home may not be many, as it will always depend on each teacher.
# Can someone be bullied in the classroom?
No person should bulliyng, in online classes it can happen that someone wants to make a joke about you, no teacher should allow this without a doubt, if you have any similar experience you can make a complaint in the online academy, but I think it all depends on the way the teacher and the other students in the class relate, at some point there may be laughter and jokes, on a certain topic, but if you are not a too sensitive person, you will not have problems with this, but I repeat that If you have a problem with a teacher or a student, you can report it to the online academy where you are enrolled.
# there are special courses for students with learning difficulties?
One of the saddest things is that there are people who for some reason are disabled, if you have this problem you should not feel alone, in modern online academies there are also online courses for the disabled, it will depend on each teacher the needs that each person will have according to to their disabilities, maybe learning is something different and a little slower than a normal person, but it is certainly worth the effort, also if you have walking problems or are a person with a disability in the legs or just walk in a chair On wheels, online courses are perfect for you, because you should not travel anywhere, you only access your online course daily on your computer and you can enjoy it like any normal person, perhaps the evaluations may be different for each type of disability, but The important thing is that you never give up if you are disabled, I understand that it is easy to say it, but it is the best for everyone, there is always give you the ability to learn regardless of your disability, as long as it is manageable.
# Online courses will help me in my university studies?
Without a doubt, if you are studying at the university, or plan to study at the university, there are courses that can help you, to improve your way of learning in the different classes, which may have a certain career, we have always said that the more you read and learn more you can grow as a professional, it is one of the best laws of the wise, if you are a person who gets bored reading books, video courses are good for you, they are more dynamic and fun, they are also more practical to learn and Some may even be easier for you to study, one of the things that we like the most as students is that they ask us things that we already know, when we receive a new class at the university, nothing better than having prior knowledge, to be ahead of the others In other words, the more prepared you are to receive a class, the easier it will be for you to pass that class, depending on the career you are studying or what you plan to take, and The more courses you take, the better it will be for you, this will depend on your time and of course your financial capacity, if the economic factor is not a problem for you, it can certainly be good for you to take online courses to prepare for university or to reinforce some theme that you are currently wearing.
# Can I take an online course and get distracted by watching television or video games?
Maybe this may seem like a silly question to you, but actually it doesn’t have to be, something that I personally understand is that people try not to ask silly questions, for fear that other people will make fun of them, we are all like that, but you I assure you that there are questions that are a little important, maybe you are a boy who likes to have your free time, I also like to have a lot of free time, well personally I think that if you are a disciplined person you can have fun with various things and taking an online course, online courses don’t take too much time, although obviously the more time you dedicate to studying something the better, but there are TV programs or video games that help your brain to have better reflexes, I highly doubt that they will help you study better but they can help you not to stress yourself studying too much.
# Can I know the opinions of other students about a course?
One of the best ways to know if an online course is for you is to ask someone who has taken the course before, to find out what opinions these students have about a certain teacher or certain class, each website has different ways to You find the opinions of other users, in general the opinions are always positive, then you can be more calm because you have a way of knowing the level of teaching that you can obtain with any teacher, one of the things that most identifies us as people is that we like to know who our teacher will be, if he is good at giving the class, what methods he uses, if his way of explaining is good, if he is handsome or pretty, etc. I would not know how to tell you how much importance you have to give to the opinions of others, because only when you try something for yourself do you check what they say, but in my opinion all online academies have their strengths, I will not tell you that none have their weak points, because nothing in this world is perfect, but positive opinions certainly give you a lot of confidence, so go ahead.
# are there classes in different languages?
If you do not know English, do not worry, language barriers should not be a problem for you, online academies know perfectly that there are people who need teachers who speak their language to be able to carry the class comfortably, I imagine that nobody wants to be listening A teacher who speaks in a way that is difficult to understand and if he speaks a different language without a doubt that is very uncomfortable, there are teachers for all tastes and colors, nothing should stop you from studying online, and who knows maybe you end up making friends, Although obviously that is secondary, by the way we must remember that languages ​​are becoming easier to understand every day, everything is served to study comfortably.
# the teachers in each language are native speakers?
There are some teachers that I have seen who are not native speakers of the language, but according to what I have seen there are always teachers who if they are native speakers, you should not worry about this particular reason, you can find a teacher who is native to your own country, the amount of Native teachers that are available maybe it can be very wide, it depends on each academy, there are teachers who are not native speakers of the language but this can be a plus point about a certain teacher, I specifically talk about classes such as the language class, if you want learn another language, it is much better that you learn with someone who is a native of that foreign language you want to study, well at least that’s what many think, including me, because you also get used to the foreign accent of the language you study.
# I can change my schedule in the middle of the course.
If you need to change the schedule for any reason, you should talk with the teacher so that they can allow you to change the schedule, but some schedules may be adjusted to the level that the teacher is taking, we do not know when we will need to change our personal schedule, but it must clarify that everything depends on having a teacher available who can allow you to add yourself to your class, this will also depend on your level, I understand that sometimes this can be uncomfortable because we all like to be with the same classmates and teacher, except when you think that a teacher is not the right one for you, but as we said before if you need to change your class schedule.
# Can I change teachers in the middle of the course?
You can also change your teacher if you have any problems with a teacher, or you simply don’t like the way a teacher gives a class, but it is important that you choose your teacher well so that you do not have these types of problems, it is convenient to choose very Well your teacher and read the opinions of the other students, another important thing is that it will always depend on the availability of there at that time for another teacher to allow you to join their class, I never liked changing teachers because I like to have affinity for the same teacher and I like having the same classmates, but you can still change teachers if you need it.
# What happens if I don’t connect at class time?
It is one of the most frequent concerns of all the students in each distance academy, it is somewhat paradoxical to think that even taking online classes we miss a class, but even being at home there are many distractions that could prevent us from being on time, connected with our teacher , at the indicated time, so you should not worry about this situation, I understand that all online academies keep a recording of the class that you can see within your account, the recording of the entire class that you have lost, will always be available All the necessary tools for you to look for the recorded class, the only bad thing is that you will not have the opportunity to ask questions but obviously you cannot blame the teacher, nor the students, for this situation, not everything is green in this life, but it is better lose an online class than a face-to-face class.
# something funny happened in the live class, can I upload it to social networks?
The reason why we are all studying is to learn but at all times there will be jokes and laughter, they are small moments within the class where someone did something that makes us all laugh, in my opinion it is a good thing as long as we do not bully or bother to anyone, but online academies do not really allow you to upload content to social networks, especially when it comes to something that was embarrassing for someone within the course schedule, please do not do something like that, unless it is some friend of yours, sharing funny moments that happened in class can be dangerous, remember that some people are more sensitive than others when it comes to being teased on facebook, youtube, instagram or any other social network, you also run the risk that a student report you for harassment, then the jokes should stay with the class members.
# What program is used to receive live online classes?
Usually all web pages think about the comfort of their users, I admit that I am a well-off person, I do not like to install programs for everything I do on my computer or cell phone, in this case you should not have any problem with the program installation, just think about it, online academies do not want to lose the opportunity to have a new student because of a bad way of managing the learning content, in general I understand that the same platform of the academy is used to receive your classes, That is, you do not have to install anything, some teachers may ask you to use a program such as skipe or zoom, but in any case if you do not like any of these programs you can look for a teacher who does not have a requirement to use an extra program, apparently using these programs have their advantage but that is up to the teacher.
# What is induction in online classes?
It is a strange ability that allows a teacher to know the aptitudes of a student so that he can understand and know better all the theories of a class, we are not going to say that it is a kind of hypnosis but it has a lot to do with the psychology of each individual Hopefully we could all learn at the same rate, that is one of the challenges of induction, I remember all those psychology classes I never liked but I understand that all the things that we can learn one day we can take advantage of it, on many occasions the teacher always tries That the students are interested in a class, I do not know if this will be difficult to achieve with only words, although when it comes to losing points it was always interesting for me, in short, without a doubt it is a technique that can benefit you a lot.
# I received a password to access the course?
When you enroll in a course in many cases you will not need any access code, but if you need to have more joy then you can know that whenever you enroll in an academy you will have an access code that will allow you to enter your classes comfortably, and why No, you can also access other courses that can be used within your own account, you should not worry about having many keys with just one is more than enough, today time is worth gold, and without a doubt we do not want to take too long time to access our account within the academy.
# can I share my password with someone else? definitely not, maybe you are a very kind person but remember that being too kind can be a problem for you, inside your home, only you can access a course through your computer or mobile, if you share your password with another person You can be sanctioned by the academy, this may seem unfair but you and I know that companies always seek to establish policies that benefit them, it is understandable in a certain way because we are all like that, we always like to think of ourselves first, do not blame them Therefore, surely you are thinking of helping someone in your family to receive the course for the same price, but you cannot do this with the same computer or with the same IP, if you know about the IP address, you will know that they can know if someone You are accessing the academy being in the same house, so it is better to avoid problems with this matter.
# Are online academies accredited?
If you are looking to work in a company through your accreditation as a professional, perhaps it will depend on each company as they value your knowledge acquired in online courses, in reality online academies are not accredited, however you will obtain a particular certificate from the online academy You should analyze if this is convenient for you, in my opinion the important thing is what you learn and the information that is in your head, but as I said before, perhaps today’s companies can take your online courses seriously , because sometimes the company evaluates its future workers, something that seems to me better than hiring someone just for their resume.
Also if you receive classes from an online academy like the ones I mention on this page, you will be receiving classes from real professionals, because online academies only hire teachers with authentic degrees, and many have university studies.
# Do the academies have efficient customer service?
In my opinion, they have a good customer service, it is not the best in the world but without a doubt, they have everything you need to help you with anything you need, and most likely they can be very kind when you have many doubts about the use of Their platform typically shouldn’t take long to answer your questions, obviously companies don’t want bad reviews from their users.
# can I evaluate the performance of a teacher?
When you finish a class you can evaluate each teacher according to you consider their personality and efficiency to teach, this is good for you and for all the other students because it allows you to have opinions about the teachers and future students will read your review, but please try to be honest, because that way your review will be very well seen by other users, and the academies can help you better to find your ideal teacher, and the learning experience will be much better for everyone, maybe it is not necessary to speak all the good things about a teacher but it is not necessary to talk about everything bad that you see in a teacher remember that nobody is perfect.
# Final words:
at first I thought that online academies still needed time to offer us quality services, but the circumstances and the things that have happened in the world in recent years, obviously forced us students to look for better options to learn. These changes have meant that online academies are no longer seen as courses for lazy people, on the contrary if we analyze well, students who decide to study remotely are because they are too busy people and do not have time to attend an academy physically, for Whether you are young and your parents offer you an online course, do not miss it, especially if you are the one who pays for the course and you want to learn something that can make you an entrepreneur in the near future, I advise you that if you need to read this twice article you read it again or partially, because this guide can help you have a pleasant experience in your first enrollment in a virtual classroom, before registering you can also look for the opinions of users about the way a teacher teaches, although I think that all teachers are good, but obviously some prefer extremely serious and hard teachers, something that seems good to me because we do not want actually make friends, the truth is that we all have a common idea and that is to learn, but there are also students who like teachers who are more open and communicative, this is also good because students feel more free to give their opinions and ask questions, no matter how naive they are. So, all these details you can take into account, but if you don’t have much time to analyze so many things you can choose the teachers who have the best reviews, these reviews will always be available together with the information of each course.
Maybe on another occasion we will analyze other services or products related to education, I will not say that it is my favorite topic, but my main objective is always to help my dear visitors with the topics that they need to investigate the most, you can always trust that my articles are very investigated and I have several years of experience studying the way in which this type of business has evolved, obviously the rules and regulations always change depending on the company and difficult times such as the pandemic that the world suffered in 2020, but the important thing is nobody knows discourage and move on, with joy and effort all our dreams can come true.
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